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Parking CCJs



Have you received a CCJ for a Parking Ticket? Find out how to remove a parking CCJ here

Parking fines are a common type of CCJs in the UK, and are generally why people require CCJ advice. As parking fines are usually low balance claims they can easily be missed or overlooked until a CCJ has been entered against you.

ARK CMCS have tailored a low fixed fee service in the sum of £279.00 to attempt the removal of a parking CCJ regardless of whether this was issued at the correct or incorrect address. Our fee would include contacting the Claimant to attempt a settlement via a Draft Order. In most cases only a Draft Order to settle the Claim would be required. However, where a settlement fails, we will also draft you an N244 Application and a Witness Statement within the same fee of £279.00 giving you peace of mind that you would not incur any further charges from us in any case.

We regularly deal with several parking companies such as Parking Eye, Civil Enforcement, Excel Parking, Vehicle Control and many more. These parking companies have contracts with landlords and landowners to manage their parking sites and can issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) if you breach their terms and conditions of the stipulated Parking Regulations. These parking companies manage sectors such as NHS hospitals and clinics, retail shopping parks, pubs, restaurants, supermarkets, shopping centres, residential permit parking sites, hotels and many more.

However, contacting parking companies can be difficult as many parking companies only have an automated payment line. This is where we can assist you as we have a good working relationship with most parking companies and we can assist you with resolving disputes and reaching settlements in order to remove your CCJ with these companies. In most cases, where a settlement has been agreed, no payment to the parking companies would be required until the CCJs have been set aside and removed by the Court.

Promptness and limited time

The Court expects you to resolve any issues with your CCJ within 30 days of the CCJ being entered against you. If you were not aware of the CCJ and it has been over 30 days from the date the CCJ was entered against you then the CCJ would be registered against you for 6 years from the date the CCJ was obtained by the Claimant.

If you were not aware of the CCJ because the Claim was served at the incorrect address or that you didn’t receive the Claim Form or Court correspondence then you must act promptly in order to settle or dispute your CCJ.

Usually, the Court expects an Application to set aside a judgment to be filed within 30 days of the judgment being entered however, promptness is at the Court’s discretion where you were not aware of the CCJ until after it was recorded or where you did not receive the Claim Form.

We therefore advise that you contact us via telephone or complete our online enquiry form as soon as you become aware of any CCJs registered against you. Our aim is to always resolve any issues quickly and amicably.

Is your CCJ less than a month old and still within the 30-day period?

If a CCJ has been entered against you within the last 30 days then you can pay the judgment debt within the 30-day period to prevent the CCJ being registered against you. Payment can be made by directly contacting the Claimant who issued the CCJ or by contacting the Court. If the Court is the Civil National Business Centre based in Northampton, then their telephone number is 0300 123 1056. If the Court is the Online Money Claims Centre, then their telephone number is 0300 123 1057. You must ensure that the Claimant and the Court have updated the Court file to show that the judgment debt was paid within 30 days of the CCJ date to avoid it being registered against you.

If your CCJ is older than 30 days?

The CCJ cannot be removed if you only pay the judgment amount. The CCJ will only be marked as settled/satisfied and would remain on your credit file for 6 years. A paid CCJ will continue to affect your credit score and your chances of obtaining credit and/or gaining employment in certain sectors.

After the six-year period, the CCJ will be automatically removed whether it has been paid or not. Where the Claimant has enforced the CCJ and obtained a charge against your property, the CCJ will be automatically removed when it expires however, the charge would remain until the balance has been paid in full. The Claimant would then be required to file the necessary application to the Land Registry to remove the charge.

Fixed Fee CCJ Support Service from £279.00. Call us on 0113 433 6015 or complete our online Enquiry Form.

We provide a Free review of your case to establish any legal grounds for your CCJ to be removed

We will explain the legal process, what our service includes, our fixed fee and any payable Court fees.

5 Star Rated Reviews and Service on Trust Pilot, contact us today to set aside your CCJ.


  • Quick and efficient
  • Designated Paralegal with a direct phone number
  • Tailored packages
  • Affordable and one of the cheapest in the UK

How we can help

Our fixed fee packages and services not only save you time and expense but we also aim to resolve your CCJ quickly and efficiently. Once we are instructed, you will not have to do anything as we will contact the Claimant in order to attempt a settlement where instructed and/or draft you the necessary documents in order for you to set aside and remove your CCJ. These would include drafting a draft Order or N244 Application and a Witness Statement.

We provide you with all the support you need to resolve the issue.

  • We provide a full legal case review and assessment
  • We will contact the Claimant on your behalf and provide them with your evidence to support your case
  • We will draft your Court paperwork such as a Draft Order, N244 Application and a Witness Statement
  • We can provide you with the details of advocate agencies to arrange Court representation should this be required
  • Please note our fees do not include the Court fees. The Court fee for a Draft Order is in the sum of £119.00 and the Court fee for an N244 Application is £303.00. These fees are payable directly to the Court once we have either agreed a Draft Order on your behalf or once we have drafted you the N244 Application and the Witness Statement.

The Court paperwork and evidence

Our experienced and designated Paralegals will draft the Draft Order where applicable or draft you an N244 Application in the correct format and a Witness Statement. We would also help you with the required evidence to demonstrate why the CCJ must/should be set-aside based on the correct legal grounds.

Please note that if you draft your Application yourself and if it is in the incorrect format then the Court may dismiss your Application. If your Application is dismissed due to the above then you may file a second Application however, the Court has the discretion whether to allow the second Application or not therefore, it is highly advisable to get some legal assistance, advice and guidance before you file the Application.

We will contact the Claimant on your behalf

In most cases, where you instruct us to settle the Claim via a Draft Order, we will contact the Claimant or its Solicitors to establish the timescales and the basis of the Claim and why the Claim was issued at the incorrect or previous address etc. We would also inform the Claimant of your grounds and circumstances surrounding when the Claim was issued.

We will then try and negotiate a settlement with the Claimant or its Solicitors for the Court Judgment to be set aside in order for you to resolve the issue of the actual Claim. This may apply where you agree to pay the outstanding balance on condition that the CCJ is removed based on your evidence and grounds to set aside the CCJ.

Why is it important to remove a CCJ?

A CCJ can severely affect your chances in obtaining credit, obtaining employment and/or even obtaining tenancy on another property in case you need to move into a new home. It will remain on your file for 6 years from the date it was entered. Even a paid CCJ will remain on your credit file as settled/satisfied if it was paid after the 30 days from the date it was entered.

In most cases, the CCJs are in relation to parking tickets and fines. Due to the backlogs and workloads of the DVLA, most people’s records are not updated instantly therefore, parking tickets are commonly issued at an old address or wrong address. Claims being issued at the wrong address also applies to other claims such as utility company CCJs mobile phone agreement CCJs, credit agreement CCJs, service charge and ground rent CCJs and business CCJs. A CCJ can have a big long-term effect on your life and life changing events.

We choose us as Paralegals instead of a CCJ Removal Solicitors

We offer an affordable fixed fee service and do not charge by the hour like typical CCJ Removal Solicitors. Our fees are clear and agreed at the outset so there are no surprises, hidden or additional costs.

We specialise in Civil Litigation and have vast knowledge and experience with the Civil Procedure Rules regarding civil claims such as CCJs.

Call us today for a free case review or complete the enquiry form by clicking here.


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